Tancredo Neves Park
Vitória, Brazil2007 — 2012

This design won the public architectural competition sponsored by the city of Vitória and organized by the local department of the Institute of Architects of Brazil (IAB / ES). The purpose of said competition was to choose a suitable restructuring design for a public sports park, destined for both the enjoyment of the community and the training of athletes. Tancredo Neves Park, a.k.a. Tancredão, was originally design about two decades ago by local architect Alberto Vivácqua Campos. The piece of land were it is situated possesses a shaped that resembles a right triangle and sits on the banks of Santa Maria River, close to President Costa e Silva Bridge and the bus terminal. The lot belongs to the state government, who lent it to the capital for 25 - year period. Spadoni's team proposed a design characterized by an east - west orientated circulation axis that is 4 meters off the ground. in addition to creating an architectural promenade in the set, the circulation axis organizes the program by cutting the lot into two parts. Accessed via a set of ramps, the elevated axis is served through - out by a series of auxiliary facilities such as changing rooms. The southern portion in relation to the axis (where one finds the main entrance) is taken up by outdoors sports courts - like Footbal 7 Society, beach soccer and a skate ramp. The northern portion, in turn, is located close to the river and concentrates the built volumes such as the fitness center, the boathouse and gymnasium - the largest volume of the set. Capable of accommodating 1700 spectators, the gymnasium can serve many functions, from games to musical performances. The elevated circulation axix allows for easier access to the gymnasium, distributing the internal flow to the high and low areas of the stands. From a volumetric point of view, the gymnasium features a rectangular floor plan, bleachers placed on the longest sides and a roof that appears to float 3 meters above the base. Positioned at the southernmost end of the lot, close to President Costa e Silva Bridge, the tower that holds the water tank is the only vertical element of the set; it stands out in the area reserved for vehicle traffic. Text by Fernando Serapião

Architecture: Spadoni AA – Francisco Spadoni and Tiago de Oliveira Andrade (authors); Carolina Garcia, Fábio Ucella, Mayra Simone dos Santos, Paula Gouvêa and Ricardo Canton (contest team); Carolina Mina Fukumoto, Emília Falcão Motoki, Fábio Ucella, Fernanda Maeda, Luciano Magno, Miguel Muralha, Nerino Caldo Júnior, Ricardo Canton and Sabrina Chibani (project team)
Structure: MS Engenharia
Construction: Construtora Ápia
Photos: Tiago de Oliveira Andrade
Site area: 52.798 m2
Built area: 7.992 m2
Structure: MS Engenharia
Construction: Construtora Ápia
Photos: Tiago de Oliveira Andrade
Site area: 52.798 m2
Built area: 7.992 m2